Category: Texas Natives
HDG on DIY Yardcrashers

HDG Landscape Design was fortunate enough to be selected as the first and only Texas designer for DIY Yardcrasher’s Houston episode. The California crew and host soon realized things really are bigger in Texas after receiving lots of donated resources from generous local companies including Tomball’s beloved nursery, The Arbor…
Mexican Feather Grass

Nassella tenuissima, more often known as Mexican Feather Grass is a common ornamental grass in Texas landscapes and still referred to Stipa tenuissima by some authorities. This perennial grass can reach 24” to 36” in height and 15” to18” in width. Ornamental grasses in general are grown for a texture and…
Red Yucca – Hesperaloe parviflora
Turk’s Cap
Texas Sage

Texas Sage, commonly known by other names as Cenizo, Texas Ranger, or Barometer Bush, is a well-known native shrub often used in Texas commercial and residential landscapes. Texas Sage is evergreen and typically needs full sun to look its best. Texas Sage has very unique silver-gray velvet textured leaves and…
Gulf Muhly – Muhlenbergia capillaris
Salvia greggii – Autumn Sage
Passionflower Vine

Passiflora spp., more often known as the Passionflower Vine, is known for its stunning and unique flowers. You can find this semi-evergreen perennial vine from zones 6-11, and it should be planted in full sun. Tendrils allow this vine to climb, and once established, the Passionflower Vine may be difficult…